• Українською
  • Results of the Government's grant programme for small and medium-sized businesses as of 20 December 2023
    Communications Department of the Secretariat of the CMU, posted 20 December 2023 15:56

    eRobota: Government investment in business development through grants has increased to UAH 5.5 billion.

    Funds to start or expand their own business have already been provided to 10,400 Ukrainians. They will create more than 35,000 new jobs.

    In total, since the launch of the eRobota initiative in July 2022:

    • 9,634 microgrants in the amount of UAH 2.3 billion have been issued under the Own Business programme;
    • 482 grants in the amount of UAH 2.5 billion for the development of processing enterprises;
    • 144 grants for horticulture and greenhouse development amounting to UAH 631 million;
    • For veterans and their family members - 132 grants for UAH 50 million.

    Source: http://tinyurl.com/338c2rhr.

    Results of the Government's grant programme for small and medium-sized businesses as of 20 December 2023