• Українською
  • Review of current developments in EU law and EU legal analysis

    Please, find enclosed the first issue of monthly review of current developments in EU law and EU legal analysis. It was prepared in the framework of the Project “Support for the Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement” by the Project Team and Government Office for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration.

    The selection of information takes into account the scope of Association Agreement and Ukraine associated status.

    Our main target group are Ukrainian experts involved in and interested in the implementation of Association Agreement and in Ukrainian legislative process.

    We hope you will find it useful. Your comments that could improve next issues of the review are welcome.

    Please leave Your comments on the GOEEI Facebook page, or send to – GOEI@kmu.gov.ua

    Some developments are reflected on daily basis on dedicated Twitter profile: https://twitter.com/EUlaw4Ukraine

    Review of European Union Law Developments and Analyses No 13 (April/May 2017)

    Review of European Union Law Developments and Analyses No 12 (March 2017)

    Review of European Union Law Developments and Analyses No 11 (February 2017)

    Review of European Union Law Developments and Analyses No 10 (December 2016 / January 2017)

    Review of European Union Law Developments and Analyses No 8 (October/November 2016)

    Review of European Union Law Developments and Analyses No 9 (November/December 2016)

    Review of European Union Law Developments and Analyses No 7 (September/October 2016)

    Review of European Union Law Developments and Analyses No 6 (August/September 2016)

    Review of European Union Law Developments and Analyses No 5 ( July 2016)

    Review of European Union Law Developments and Analyses No 4 (June 2016)

    Review of European Union Law Developments and Analyses No 3 (May/June 2016)

    Review of European Union Law Developments and Analyses No 2 (May 2016)

    Review of European Union Law Developments and Analyses No 1 (April 2016)