• Українською
  • Transportation and logistics

    The «Transport and Logistics» SWG coordinates investments and technical assistance within the framework of the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine 2030 (with a focus on improving road safety) and the Strategy for the Development of Ukrainian Seaports 2038.

    Structure and contacts 


    Serhii Derkach, Deputy Minister of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine

    Istvan Heinczinger, Senior Transport Economist, European Investment Bank (EIB)

    Kevin Tomlinson, Operations Manager, World Bank


    Tverdov Yuriy - Deputy Head of Department - Head of the Department of Economy, Investment and Reform in Railway Transport, tverdov@mtu.gov.ua

    Hanna Mazur Chief Specialist of the Aviation Infrastructure and Transportation Sector, h.mazur@mtu.gov.ua

    Onishchenko Kateryna, Head of the Department of International Road Transportation, onyshchenko@mtu.gov.ua 

    Starikova Olena, Head of the River Transport Department, starikova@mtu.gov.ua