• Українською
  • Education

    The "Education" SWG coordinates the attraction and use of international technical assistance aimed at supporting the implementation of government policies to achieve strategic priorities in the areas of education and science:

    • quality and accessible preschool education

    • quality and accessible school education

    • modern vocational education

    • quality higher education and development of adult education

    • development of science and innovation

    Structure and contacts 


    Ievhen Kudriavets, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine

    Munir Mammadzade, Representative of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Ukraine

    Minna Hakkarainen, Head of Cooperation Programs, Embassy of Finland in Ukraine


    Emmanuelle Abrioux, Chief of the Education Section, UNICEF Ukraine, eabrioux@unicef.org

    Albina Tsviatkovska, Director General of the Directorate of International Cooperation, MESU albina.tsiatkovska@mon.gov.ua

    Iryna Levytska, State Expert of the Expert Group of International Organizations and Interaction with Donors of the Directorate of International Cooperation tel. 4814760, Iryna.levytska@mon.gov.ua