• Українською
  • Working Groups

     in accordance with the Presidential Decree No. 266/2022 dated April 21, 2022, the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the Consequences of the War, within the framework of 24 working groups, developed a plan of measures for the post-war recovery and development of Ukraine, a list of proposals for priority reforms and strategic initiatives, drafts of legal acts , the adoption and implementation of which are necessary for the effective work and recovery of Ukraine during war and post-war periods. You can familiarize yourself with the projects of the sections of the recovery plan by group below:

    1. european integration;

    2. audit of war losses;

    3. restoration and development of infrastructure;

    4. economic recovery and development;

    5. return of citizens who are temporarily displaced, in particular abroad and their integration into the socio-economic life of the state;

    6. functioning of the financial system, its reform and development;

    7. development of the military-industrial complex;

    8. modernization and development of security and defense;

    • workgroup document

    9. energy security;

    10. public administration;

    11. construction, urban planning, modernization of cities and regions;

    12. new agricultural policy;

    13. digitalization;

    14. protection of the rights of war veterans;

    15. education and science;

    16. youth and sport;

    17. culture and information policy;

    18. justice;

    19. anti-corruption policy;

    20. healthcare;

    21. environmental safety;

    22. social protection;

    23. protection of children's rights and the return of temporarily displaced abroad children;

    24.  Human Rights.

     If necessary, other working groups may be formed on the proposal of the Co-Chairs of the Council. The Council also determines the tasks for the relevant working group. The composition of the working group is approved by the Council on the proposal of its Co-Chair.

    The working group may include members of the Council and other representatives, including representatives of central and local executive bodies, local self-government, enterprises, institutions and organizations, leading domestic and foreign experts, experts in relevant fields.

    Organizational and technical support of the Council's activities is provided by the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Office of the President of Ukraine.

    Information and analytical support of the working groups of the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the War is provided by the Reforms Delivery Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №518.