• Українською
  • First one billion hryvnias paid under the eVidnovlennia programme
    Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, posted 06 September 2023 12:26

    The first one billion hryvnias has been paid under the eVidnovlennia (eRestoration) programme. The Government paid this money to Ukrainians to repair apartments and houses damaged as a result of russian military shelling.

    This programme was launched in May together with the team of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the TAPAS Project/Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services and there was heard a lot of scepticism. Not everyone believed that people would get real money - without corruption, without queues, without humiliation.

    The plans turned into concrete actions. The process itself - from submitting an information notice to making a non-cash payment - is as digitalised as possible, and the algorithm of work of local government commissions is regulated by the Resolution and limited to a checklist with the cost of works and construction materials. In case of problematic issues, the applicant can always contact the Government Contact Centre 15-45. And among the array of calls, there was not a single one about injustice or illegality.

    To date, 12,146 people who had applied have received payments. In total, there are more than 41,000 of them. 

    If to look at specific communities, the majority of applications came from the territories that were under occupation or located near the border with russia.

    Kharkiv - 17,000 applications;

    Irpin - 3,000 applications;

    Izyum - 1,600 applications;

    Mykolaiv region - 1,300 applications;

    Balakliya - 1,300 applications.

    35% of those who took part in the eVidnovlennia programme are people over 60. The oldest recipients are three women aged 97 residing in Kyiv and Mykolaiv regions.

    It is also important to note that 75% of all money spent on construction materials was spent in small local shops, and construction work was also ordered from individual entrepreneurs.