• Українською
  • Ministry of Finance: General Fund of the state budget generated UAH 151.6 billion in May
    Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, posted 31 May 2024 17:29

    According to the current data (as of 16:00 on 31.05), in May 2024, the General Fund of the state budget received UAH 151.6 billion in taxes, fees and mandatory payments.

    In May, the State Tax Service received UAH 99.8 billion in payments, including

    • UAH 42.0 billion - in corporate income tax;
    • UAH 20.2 billion - value added tax (UAH 32.8 billion collected, UAH 12.7 billion refunded);
    • UAH 17.3 billion - personal income tax and military duty;
    • UAH 11.4 billion - excise tax;
    • UAH 5.8 billion - rent.

    Payments from the State Customs Service amounted to UAH 48.4 billion.

    According to the latest figures, the monthly revenues of the General Fund of the state budget are 108.6% (+ UAH 12.0 billion), including

    • State Tax Service - 106.6% (+ UAH 6.2 billion);
    • State Customs Service - 112.1% (+ UAH 5.2 billion).

    In general, according to the recent data, as of May 2024, the general and special funds of the state budget received UAH 227.4 billion in taxes, fees and other payments. In addition, about UAH 42.0 billion (as of 31 May) in unified social tax was paid to the pension and social insurance funds.