• Українською
  • Government approves Strategy for Implementation of Gender Equality in Education until 2030
    Service of the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, posted 20 December 2022 19:55

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a Strategy for Implementation of Gender Equality in Education until 2030 and approved an operational plan for its realization for 2022-2024.

    The document was developed to implement the state policy of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in education and in pursuance of the State Strategy for Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men until 2030 in the framework of fulfilling Government’s commitments under the Biarritz Partnership.

    “The full-scale war has shown that sustainability and further post-war reconstruction and development of Ukraine require equal involvement of both women and men in all spheres of life. Besides, equal rights and opportunities are one of the key values of the EU,” commented Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine Olha Stefanishyna. “Therefore, we must do everything possible to ensure that today’s youth grows up without any stereotypes and discrimination, even despite the ongoing war. The adopted Strategy is the foundation for the development of our future generation on the principles of equality and equal opportunities for everyone.”

    The main goal of the Strategy is to comprehensively implement the principles of equal rights and opportunities for women and men and non-discrimination on any grounds in the education system, as well as to identify ways to introduce gender mainstreaming at all levels and areas of education.

    The strategy is particularly aimed at:

    • comprehensive implementation of the principles and measures to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men, respect for human dignity and non-discrimination in legal documents in the field of education;
    • improvement of educational process on the basis of equal rights and opportunities for women and men, non-discrimination and countering any kind of violence;
    • strengthening the competence and professional capabilities of specialists in the field of equal rights and opportunities for women and men;
    • expanding international cooperation in the field of education to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men;
    • implementation of inclusiveness practices in education as a basis for overcoming consequences of a full-scale war.

    To implement the strategy, the following is planned:

    • organization of educational activities, information support for female and male employees of educational institutions on equal rights and opportunities;
    • development of training programs for educational institutions to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men;
    • building human resources potential of educational institutions capable of implementing the principle of equal rights and opportunities;
    • advanced training of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical staff in all fields to ensure equal rights and opportunities;
    • organization of short- and long-term training and internships for students, postgraduate students, doctoral students under scientific programs to ensure equal rights and opportunities;
    • organizing and conducting scientific events, research on equal rights and opportunities;
    • creation of a network of research centers on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men and professional expert environment, etc.

    The Strategy for Implementation of Gender Equality in Education until 2030 and the operational plan for its realization were developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

    For reference

    On September 11, 2020, Ukraine joined the Biarritz Partnership. Ukraine has made commitments in five areas: development of barrier-free public space friendly to families with children and low-mobility groups; teaching children the principles of equality between women and men; preventing violence; reducing the gender pay gap; creating more opportunities for men to take care of children.

    On August 12, 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the State Strategy for Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men until 2030 and, in particular, an operational plan for its realization for 2022-2024. The adopted Strategy is a comprehensive document that defines the priority areas of consolidated actions of central and local executive authorities, local self-government bodies, civil society institutions, and business entities to reduce gender inequality in all spheres of society.