• Українською
  • Ukraine is working on a roadmap for public administration reform to open EU membership negotiations
    Communications Department of the Secretariat of the CMU, posted 05 September 2024 14:48

    Today, on 5 September 2024, an expert discussion on the development of the Roadmap for Public Administration Reform took place in preparation for the negotiations on Ukraine’s EU membership.

    The Roadmap for Public Administration Reform is one of the prerequisites for the opening of negotiations on Cluster 1, Fundamentals, which has a special status, as it is the first to be opened in the negotiation process and the last to be closed.

    The purpose of the event was to identify priority topics and projects for public administration reform until 2030, as well as to continue work on the Roadmap.

    The event was attended by representatives of government agencies, civil society organisations, Ukrainian and international experts, international technical assistance projects, research institutions, and businesses.

    The event was organised by the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with the support of the EU project “Support to Comprehensive Reform of Public Administration in Ukraine” (EU4PAR) and the Reforms Delivery Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

    The State Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine delivered a welcoming speech:

    “On 25 June, Ukraine’s EU accession negotiations were officially launched. The screening process is now underway, during which the European Commission, together with the candidate country, analyses the compliance of national legislation and institutional capacity of the candidate country with EU legislation. Bilateral meetings will be held in autumn, and at the end of the year the European Commission will publish its screening report on the compliance of Ukrainian legislation and institutional capacity with EU norms and on the state of readiness of the candidate country for EU membership. Today’s event launches public consultations on the development of a Roadmap for public administration reform as part of the negotiation process on Ukraine’s EU membership,” said Oleksandr Yarema.

    Oleh Voitovych, Deputy State Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, stressed the importance of working together as the only way to accelerate Ukraine’s path to EU membership.

    “In this work, we are all like-minded people and associates, because the work on the roadmap is important for our country. At the same time, we have basic guidelines for setting priorities, namely the updated OECD/SIGMA Principles of Public Administration and the monitoring report on the compliance of public administration in Ukraine with these principles, as well as the European Commission’s EU Enlargement Report and recommendations for Ukraine.”