• Українською
  • Digitalisation of construction: results from 4 years of online services
    Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, posted 11 July 2024 15:03

    The Unified State Electronic System in the Field of Construction (USESC) was launched 4 years ago. Since then, processes related to construction registration have been carried out online, without visits to government agencies.

    The system allows you to register construction documents and obtain a construction permit. You can also find information about a particular construction project and view construction plans. This provides transparency for citizens who can track the legality of construction.

    Previously, paper documents in the construction sector were forged, lost, and their consideration was accelerated or suspended for bribes. With the introduction of the USESC, the construction sector has become more convenient, faster and safer. Instead of 6 months, it now takes 24 hours to review an application to start construction. This is one of the significant achievements for developers and citizens who build private houses.

    How does the system work? USESC creates and stores documents that record the characteristics and condition of objects at different stages of construction. The system also logs each step, which minimises the risk of fraud.

    Since its launch, Ukrainians have registered:

    • more than 2 million data on technical inventories of facilities;
    • 556,100 permits to start construction work;
    • almost 130,000 construction passports;
    • 90,600 project documents for facilities;
    • 65,500 documents on urban planning conditions and restrictions.

    The Diia portal now offers 13 construction services for citizens. In 4 years, Ukrainians have already received them more than 163,000 times through Diia. And the Administrative Service Centres have been used more than 282,000 times during this time.

    More than 105,000 users have registered and are working in the system. These are architects, design engineers, employees of architectural and construction control bodies, construction customers, developers, etc.

    Online construction services have brought the state UAH 11.2 billion in anti-corruption effect. We continue to digitise construction so that every Ukrainian receives fast and safe construction services.


    The USESC was created in cooperation between the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development and the Ministry of Digital Transformation with the support of the USAID/UK aid Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services (TAPAS) project. The system is currently being implemented through the Digital Transformation Activity, funded by USAID and UK Dev. The East Europe Foundation is a partner in the project.