• Українською
  • We have a lot of work ahead of us – integrating the electricity and gas markets, introducing European rules: German Galushchenko
    Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, posted 26 June 2024 07:46

    Negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU have officially started. This is a defining moment that demonstrates the recognition of Ukraine’s efforts on the path to EU membership and the fulfilment of the necessary obligations on this path.

    Within the framework of the negotiations, the Ministry of Energy will coordinate the negotiations on chapter 15, which covers both environment and climate issues and energy sectors – nuclear energy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity and gas markets, security of supply, use of gas and oil storage facilities, trans-European energy networks (TEN-E), energy labelling and ecodesign.

    In its report assessing the reforms in the energy sector, the European Commission positively noted changes in the sector, including the adoption of a law to prevent abuse in wholesale energy markets aimed at implementing the REMIT regulation and the continuation of the corporate reform of the Ukrainian gas transmission system operator.

    European integration is not only a matter of energy policy. It is primarily a matter of energy security and energy independence. Sufficient energy resources are a prerequisite for economic development.

    “We have done a lot, and the key thing is that we are implementing these reforms during the war. We did not stop for a single day during the great aggression and kept moving forward. We have a lot of work ahead of us – the integration of electricity and gas markets and the introduction of European rules. And we feel the support of our partners on this path,” said Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko.