• Українською
  • German Galushchenko: Ukraine is an asset for the European energy sector
    Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, posted 10 October 2023 14:15

    The accession of the Ukrainian power system to the European ENTSO-E has strengthened the continental energy system, providing European countries with additional opportunities to import Ukrainian electricity.

    This was stated by Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko in an interview with a TV channel.

    “Ukraine’s accession to the EU energy system is a strengthening of the EU. We are not a burden that Europe has put on itself, we are a country that has added to their strength,” he said.

    The Energy Minister stressed that Ukraine was able to start exporting electricity to the EU even during the war. In September, exports reached a record high for 2023 and totalled almost 111,000 MWh.

    “When European countries receive carbon-neutral Ukrainian electricity, they consume less russian coal and gas. And this is one of the reasons for russian attacks on our energy system. Ukraine can replace billions of cubic metres of russian gas with its electricity,” the Minister assured.

    German Galushchenko noted that, according to ENTSO-E forecasts, some European countries could face electricity shortages by 2040.

    “In this context, Ukraine is an asset for Europe, because we will be able to produce the necessary amount of electricity to cover this deficit,” the Minister explained.

    German Galushchenko also stressed that Ukraine was working on preparing, adopting and implementing legislation that would integrate the Ukrainian and European energy markets.