Ukrainian families continue to actively switch to clean electricity.
“Thus, in the second quarter of this year, more than 3,000 households installed solar panels with a total capacity of more than 85 MW. This exceeds more than twofold the showings of the first quarter of this year (1,400 families)”, said Chairman of the State Agency of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Serhii Savchuk.
Overall, as of July 1, 2019, there are already about 12,000 families in Ukraine using solar power plants (SPP) with a total capacity of about 280 MW. Just for comparison, at the end of Q3 2015, there were only 130 such families.
"The volume of household investments in the 280 MW solar power plants reached over EUR 240 million!" stressed Serhii Savchuk.
Top 3 regions in which the most SPPs have been installed in households are as follows:
- over 1,500 (≈ 40 MW) - Dnipropetrovsk;
- over 1,200 (≈ 33 MW) - Ternopil;
- over 1,000 (≈ 20 MW) - Kyiv (Kyiv city).
Such a rapid increase in demand for solar panels is observed after the State Agency of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving drafted and the Parliament adopted in 2015 the Law on the introduction of a green tariff for SPP with the capacity up to 30 kW, pegged to the euro.
Given that there are 6.5 million households in Ukraine, the potential for the solar panel market is considerable.