• Українською
  • Yuliia Svyrydenko presented the interim results of the Made in Ukraine policy
    Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, posted 21 June 2024 19:40

    UAH 19 million in compensation to farmers for the purchase of domestic machinery. UAH 225 million in grants for veterans. Support for exports by Ukrainian ECAs amounting to UAH 3.12 billion. Launch of support for industrial parks and projects with significant investments. During Question Time with the Government in the Verkhovna Rada, Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine, presented the interim results of the Made in Ukraine economic policy initiated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

    "The 'Made in Ukraine' policy is aimed at three key areas: development of domestic producers, stimulation of non-resource exports and attraction of investments in the real sector. In each of these areas, we have made progress - from new instruments of insurance against war risks, launching new grant programmes to support production, to expanding programmes that have proven effective in previous periods," said Yuliia Svyrydenko.

    According to her, in terms of support for Ukrainian producers, there are compensation programmes for the purchase of Ukrainian-made agricultural machinery, the School Bus, eOselia, Affordable Loans at 5-7-9 programmes, grants for processing, grants Own Business, and grants for veterans and their spouses.

    • A programme of compensation to farmers for the purchase of Ukrainian-made agricultural machinery. The register includes 86 companies and almost 8,000 items of equipment. 96 applicants received almost UAH 19 million.
    • eOselia. About 11,000 Ukrainians have received housing since the launch of the eOselia programme, almost half of them this year. The programme already involves 54 housing developers, of which almost 40 joined in 2024.
    • Affordable loans at 5-7-9. Since the beginning of the year, 11,000 loan agreements have been concluded for UAH 43.9 billion.
    • The focus of the programme has shifted to the investment component. Entrepreneurs will also have access to loans to purchase and install gas-fired power generation units.
    • Grants for recycling. A total of 667 grants worth over UAH 3 billion were issued. In addition, since the beginning of the year, the programme has been expanded to include the production of UAVs. A separate programme called Create was also launched to support manufacturing companies run or owned by women.
    • Grant programme Own Business. More than 5,000 grants were issued, allowing for the creation of 10,000 new jobs. Conditions for frontline regions have been improved: in particular, the maximum grant amount for Kharkiv region has been doubled to half a million.
    • Grants for female and male veterans, their spouses. Since the beginning of the year, almost five hundred grants worth UAH 225 million have been issued.
    • Localisation - approaches to the register of producers have been improved, and a regulatory framework for expanding localisation has been developed.

    Speaking about the second key area of the Made in Ukraine economic policy - stimulating investment in the real sector - Yuliia Svyrydenko outlined the achievements in the field of war risk insurance, industrial park development programmes and support mechanisms for projects with significant investments:

    • War risk insurance - since the launch of the programme, the already available instruments from DFC, MIGA and foreign ECAs have been supplemented by war risk insurance for investments and investment loans from the Ukrainian Export Credit Agency. The first agreements are being drafted, and decisions will be made soon.
    • Support for the development of industrial parks - the necessary documentation has been completed and the support tool has been launched. Accordingly, it is possible to receive co-financing from the state in the ratio of 50 to 50 for the development of infrastructure and connection to the power grid in the amount of up to UAH 150 million. For the de-occupied territories, co-financing is provided at a rate of 80 to 20. The parks are already preparing documentation to submit to the Ministry of Economy.
    • Support for projects with significant investments is an opportunity for an investor who is ready to invest more than EUR 12 million, import equipment without import VAT, pay no income tax for 5 years and claim compensation of up to 30% of capital investments. The first project has already passed 2 stages of evaluation and received the Ministry of Economy's conclusion on the feasibility of implementation. The next step is to work out the terms of a special investment agreement. Two more projects are at the second stage of consideration. Five others are preparing packages of documents to apply for the programme.

    There are also results in the third key area - support for non-resource exports:

    • The sea corridor is operating efficiently and is available not only for raw materials but also for processed products, such as metal. It has already been used by 1,737 vessels, which have transported 50 million tonnes of cargo since August last year.
    • Tools of the Ukrainian ECA. This year alone, the ECA supported exports worth UAH 3.12 billion. 1 hryvnia of ECA liability was converted into UAH 12.55 of supported exports.
    • Free trade agreements. Since the start of the year, agreements with Canada, the UK and the EU have been extended. This provides even more opportunities for Ukrainian exporters to enter global markets. In 2023, out of USD 36.182 billion in exports, USD 26.726 billion (74%) were exported to countries with which Ukraine has a free trade regime and/or temporary duty exemption.

    According to Yuliia Svyrydenko, 13 Made in Ukraine offices have already been opened across the country to help entrepreneurs join the Made in Ukraine programme, which have already provided almost 1,300 consultations. Another 10 offices will be opened soon. Some of the offices were opened with the support of the United Nations Development Programme.

    In addition, the Made in Ukraine Industrial Development Agency was launched.

    "We understand that for the effective implementation of programmes under the Made in Ukraine platform, for their improvement, and for coordination with regional offices, we need an implementing institution. That is why we have launched the Made in Ukraine Industrial Development Agency. Yesterday I signed a corresponding order, and today we are starting to form an organisational structure, build a team and prepare for consolidation of efforts to make industrial development within the Made in Ukraine philosophy a sustainable and long-term policy," said Yuliia Svyrydenko.