• Українською
  • eVidnovlennia: more than 10,000 applications for assistance submitted in the first week

    During the first week of the state aid programme for the restoration of damaged housing, eVidnovlennia (eRecovery - ed.), 10,440 applications for assistance were submitted.

    More than 56% of the applications relate to assistance for the restoration of an apartment, 43.4% to a private house and less than 1% to other residential premises.

    Most of the applications were submitted by residents of Kharkiv (3,554 applications), Kyiv (2,852), Mykolaiv (870), Donetsk (688) and Kherson (649) regions.

    Commissions to be set up at local authorities will then process the applications and begin direct inspections of the housing. As of 17 May, 108 such commissions have already been established.

    We inform citizens whose homes have been damaged to apply for assistance through the Diia app. Before doing so, you must first submit an information notice about the damaged property through Diia, a notary or a CASP, if such a notice has not yet been submitted.

    As a reminder, on May 10, the eVidnovlennia programme was launched. Now all citizens whose housing has been slightly damaged as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation and has not yet been repaired will be eligible to use the service to receive state aid to restore their housing.

    More information about eVidnovlennia can be found on the programme's website in Ukrainian, by contacting the special government hotline 1545 (button 2) or the Government Contact Centre chatbots.