• Українською
  • All pharmacies to join the Affordable Medicines program in 2025: Government's decision
    Ministry of Health of Ukraine, posted 13 December 2024 19:06

    Starting from July 2025, all business entities engaged in the retail sale of medicines in pharmacies will be obliged to enter into an agreement with the NHSU under the Affordable Medicines reimbursement program. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine made the decision as part of the President's Winter ePidtrymka initiative.

    This means that medicines can be purchased free of charge or with a partial co-payment under this program at any pharmacy. Previously, only pharmacies located in hospitals were required to join the program.

    The project will help improve public access to medicines. The resolution will come into force on July 1, 2025, so that all pharmacies have time to sign an agreement with the NHSU and implement the changes.

    “In 2025, we have planned a large-scale expansion of the Affordable Medicines program. In fact, the largest since its launch in 2017. More than 30 new active ingredients will be added to the program in addition to the 75 already included. In particular, complex medicines will be added to treat cardiovascular diseases, rheumatological (rheumatoid arthritis), neurological (in particular, migraine), eye and endocrinological diseases (for example, hypothyroidism). For the first time, the program will include medicines in the form of drops and ointments, as well as medicines for children. It is important to make the program convenient and available everywhere. We continue to work on this. I am grateful to the Government for the decision approved today”, said Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Liashko.

    In 2024, almost 16,000 pharmacies in Ukraine will be selling medicines under the Affordable Medicines program. The NHSU has already reimbursed them UAH 4.7 billion for the cost of medicines.

    Affordable Medicines is a reimbursement program that allows people with chronic diseases to receive the necessary medicines free of charge or with a partial co-payment. In 2025, the program will be significantly expanded to include more than 30 new active ingredients, including complex medicines for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This will allow at least 500,000 more Ukrainians to save money on treatment.