• Українською
  • Government approves regulation on the Ministry of National Unity of Ukraine
    Ministry of National Unity of Ukraine, posted 24 January 2025 17:27

    The Cabinet of Ministers has adopted a resolution defining the activities of the Ministry of National Unity of Ukraine and regulating its powers and responsibilities. The resolution was adopted today, 24 January.

    The document outlines the primary authorities of the Ministry of National Unity, including:

    • ensuring the formation and implementation of state policy on the national unity of Ukraine and common development; Ukrainian national identity; information policy on the unity of Ukraine and strategic communications (in terms of powers related to the national unity of Ukraine);
    • formulation and implementation of the state policy on ensuring the rights and interests of persons who have moved abroad, in particular as a result of the armed conflict, as defined by the legislation of Ukraine; creating conditions for their voluntary return to the place of residence or integration at a new place of residence in Ukraine;
    • in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, helping to meet the national, cultural, educational and linguistic needs of persons who have moved abroad;
    • promoting the establishment of Ukrainian national identity and Ukrainian civic identity.

    In addition, the Government has approved the establishment of the Agency for National Unity, a key structure that will help implement initiatives to engage with the Ukrainian community and NGOs in host countries.

    It should be noted that the Agency will operate under the supervision of the Ministry of National Unity of Ukraine.

    The resolution also approved the abbreviated name of the Ministry of National Unity of Ukraine.

    “The Government’s adoption of the Regulation on the Ministry of National Unity of Ukraine is an important milestone in the activities of the Ministry, which opens up new opportunities for effective work with our citizens. This will allow us to deal more systematically with the issues of integration, social adaptation, and preservation of the national identity of Ukrainians who were forced to temporarily leave their homes,” said Oleksiy Chernyshov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Unity of Ukraine.

    According to him, the Ministry of National Unity is working to ensure that every citizen, wherever they are, feels part of a strong and united Ukraine.

    As a reminder, on 3 December 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to rename the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine to the Ministry of National Unity of Ukraine.