• Українською
  • Government adopts resolution to launch 5G pilot project: Ukraine starts testing new communication standards
    Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, posted 01 November 2024 17:58

    The Government has adopted amendments to Resolution No. 1340, which will help launch a pilot project to introduce 5G in the first Ukrainian city, introduce new standards of modern communication technologies and bring Ukrainian legislation closer to EU norms.

    The launch of 5G throughout the country is not yet possible due to martial law, so for two years the equipment will be tested and the compatibility of 5G networks with military equipment will be verified. This is an important step for the full 5G rollout in Ukraine in the future, as well as one of the elements of the telecom development strategy until 2030.

    In addition to the introduction of 5G, the resolution provides for the use of the 2100 MHz frequency not only for 3G but also for other technologies such as 2G or 4G. This will give operators more flexibility. And the termination of the use of 694-862 MHz for analogue and digital television will free them up for mobile communications.

    Today, 5G is already available in more than 90 countries. The European Union plans to provide this technology to all cities and main roads by 2025. Ukraine is adapting its radio frequency allocation rules to comply with European standards in order to further its European integration.

    5G technology is 10 times faster than 4G and enables the exchange of huge amounts of information at ultra-high speeds, and is safe for people. It will automate production at factories through various control systems, improve medical technology through telemedicine, and stimulate the development of smart cities through, for example, traffic analysis to reduce congestion. 5G is enabling the development of virtual and augmented reality, providing new experiences and perceptions in the process. The development of electronic communications has been and remains a priority for the Ministry of Digital Transformation. We are working to improve the quality of Ukrainian communications to a new level even during the war.