• Українською
  • Government approves State Policy Strategy on Internal Displacement until 2025

    Today, the Government has approved the State Policy Strategy on Internal Displacement until 2025. The corresponding operational plan for 2023-2025 was also approved.

    The document was developed by the Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories with the support of the Council of Europe. Experts from international and non-governmental organisations working to protect the rights of internally displaced persons also contributed to its development.

    The adoption of the new Strategy is the state's response to the challenges of mass displacement caused by the full-scale aggression of the russian federation. It provides for state support for IDPs at all stages - from evacuation, through social adaptation in a new place, and to returning to their place of permanent residence.

    Thus, the state will focus on 5 strategic goals:

    1. State response to the challenges of internal displacement.

    2. Safe evacuation of citizens from dangerous areas and meeting their humanitarian needs.

    3. Adaptation of IDPs at the new place of residence.

    4. Integration and development of IDPs in host communities.

    5. Support for safe return to the place of origin and reintegration.

    "The state policy on internal displacement should be formed in a comprehensive manner. Now we must focus on the adaptation and further integration of internally displaced persons in host communities. This includes access to educational services, employment, and support for self-employment. An important component is the provision of professional psychological assistance. I am grateful to the Council of Europe and civil society organisations that contributed to the development of the Strategy. From now on, we have a clear vision of how to respond to the challenges of internal displacement," said Iryna Vereshchuk, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories.