• Українською
  • Government approves 47 stipends for outstanding Ukrainian athletes in non-Olympic sports
    Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, posted 06 February 2023 15:58

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved a draft Presidential Decree on awarding stipends of the President of Ukraine for outstanding Ukrainian athletes in non-Olympic sports.

    The purpose of the act is to promote honoring the achievements of outstanding Ukrainian athletes in non-Olympic sports, as well as to stimulate successful performances in the international sports arena.

    According to the document, 47 stipends of the President of Ukraine for outstanding Ukrainian athletes in non-Olympic sports will be awarded starting July 1, 2023, including:

    • for two years, 46 stipends for outstanding athletes of Ukraine in non-Olympic sports who took first to third place at the XI World Games;
    • for one year, 1 stipend for an outstanding Ukrainian jiu-jitsu athlete who took first place at a world championship.

    The planned amount of the stipend per month is from 9 to 12 subsistence minimums.