• Українською
  • Government expands list of agricultural products with limited shelf life and special storage regime
    Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, posted 31 July 2024 14:58

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has amended the approved list of agricultural products with a limited shelf life and the list of products with a special storage regime. The relevant resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the Government.

    The amendments to the list were developed by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food in response to numerous requests from producers’ and processors’ associations to expand the list.

    The list of products has been supplemented with goods as per the UKTZED codes. In general, the lists of live animals, meat and fish products, offal, ready-to-eat and canned fish, confectionery, fruits, nuts, fruit and vegetable juices are being expanded.

    In particular, the list of agricultural products with a limited shelf life has been expanded to include queen bees, head cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, kale; gherkins, lettuce and chicory (fresh or chilled). Rapeseed or mustard oil and their fractions, fillets of certain types of fish, frozen meat, etc. have been added to the list of products with a special storage regime.