• Українською
  • Government allows foreign companies to obtain permits for construction activities

    Today, the Government has decided to allow foreign companies and organisations operating in Ukraine through separate divisions and permanent establishments to acquire the right to carry out economic activities in the construction of facilities.

    The relevant amendments are made to CMU Resolution No. 314 of 13 March 2022. They relate to the construction of facilities that are classified as objects with medium (CC2) and significant (CC3) classes of consequences.

    The right to carry out construction activities will be granted by submitting a declaration of economic activity to the licensing authority free of charge without the need to obtain a construction licence.

    The relevant provision will be in effect for the duration of martial law.

    The draft act was developed by the Ministry of Economy pursuant to the protocol decision of a special meeting chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk.

    The adoption of this act will improve the regulatory framework for foreign companies in Ukraine. In particular, it will allow representative offices of Polish companies in Ukraine to carry out works on the arrangement of checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border.

    Such works are planned as part of the implementation of the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Poland on the provision of a loan on the terms of related assistance dated 9 September 2015.