• Українською
  • In 2025, we are expanding employment and business support programmes: Yuliia Svyrydenko at meeting with employees of the State Employment Service
    Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, posted 29 January 2025 11:58

    Last year, 250,000 Ukrainians received permanent jobs with the help of the State Employment Service, while taking into account temporary and community service work and grants, 330,000 citizens were employed. This was announced by Yulia Svyrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine, during a meeting with the management and employees of the State Employment Service.

    As of today, citizens can receive:

    • financial support for starting or developing a business through the Vlasna Sprava grant programme;
    • grants for veteran businesses;
    • grants for young entrepreneurs;
    • compensation for the employment of internally displaced persons, people with disabilities, young people, people of pre-retirement age, etc.

    Businesses can get advice on these Government programmes at Made in Ukraine offices, of which 80 have already been established in different regions of Ukraine.

    In particular, in 2024:

    • 12,000 Ukrainians received grants under the Vlasna Sprava programme;
    • 22,000 entrepreneurs received compensation under active employment programmes for creating inclusive workplaces;
    • 23,000 citizens received vouchers for education in various educational institutions;
    • 67,000 Ukrainians received vocational training under the State Employment Service’s programmes both at vocational education centres and other institutions.

    Speaking about the tasks for 2025, Yuliia Svyrydenko noted that this year the number of people willing to retrain is expected to increase. The reform of the vocational education training centres, which has already started, and the involvement of businesses in cooperation with the centres through their participation in supervisory boards will help to increase the capacity of the centres.

    “Another priority is to expand and launch new employment programmes. This year, we have allocated UAH 6.3 billion in the budget to implement these initiatives and support job seekers. We are also adapting the services of the State Employment Service to make them as barrier-free as possible and to meet the needs of as many clients as possible,” said Yuliia Svyrydenko.

    The tasks for 2025 also include:

    • digitalisation of processes for users, in particular, it will soon be possible to receive a voucher for training through Diia;
    • strengthening, in particular with the support of international partners, the capacity of the State Employment Service and vocational education centres for training and retraining specialists;
    • development of the Employment Strategy and the Main Directions for the Implementation of Employment Policy. The focus will be on reforming the State Employment Service.