• Українською
  • Ruslan Strilets: Achieving good water resource condition in Ukraine is part of our path towards the EU

    It is time to change the rules of river management, punish violators, and ensure that local communities are responsible for water conservation. This was emphasized by Ruslan Strilets, Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, in his speech at the offsite meeting of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management on the topic "On the State of Ukrainian Rivers and Ways to Improve It."

    The event focused on the current condition of Ukraine's rivers, the results of state control, measures to preserve and improve the condition of rivers, etc.

    "Our water arithmetic is disappointing. Every year, 2 million tonnes of pollutants are discharged into water bodies. 50% of Ukraine's regions have a natural shortage of fresh water. For 80% of Ukraine's population, the state of drinking water is unsatisfactory. Over the past 15 years, the water content of the Dnipro River has decreased by 10%. Ukrainian water bodies suffer from pollution with sewage, heavy metals, chemicals, local authorities' disregard for legislation, and lack of control," Ruslan Strilets emphasized.

    According to him, the Soviet management system changed the ecosystems of our rivers. Now they are mostly cascades of ponds and reservoirs, or even streams or dehydrated deserts. This is true even for the mighty Dnipro. A vivid example is the Ros River. From a once full-flowing river with rich biodiversity, it has turned into a stream. Together with MPs, we are working within the Interagency Group to restore the Ros after years of exhausting use and pollution.

    "Achieving good water resources condition in Ukraine is part of our path towards the EU. At the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, we are introducing the norms of one of the most expensive EU directives, the Water Framework Directive, into Ukrainian legislation. At the end of 2022, we adopted the Water Strategy of Ukraine until 2050. We are finalizing river basin management plans. On my behalf, this process should be completed by the end of 2023. These are strategic goals for many years to come," said Ruslan Strilets.

    Thus, sustainable water management will give new life to our rivers, and the renovated rivers will give new life to us.