Dear colleagues, fellow Ukrainians!
We are starting a regular meeting of the Government.
One of the basic elements of our policy is to help people. This is an urgent need in wartime.
The Government has supported and will continue to support Ukrainian families with special attention to those who need it most.
The Winter Support programme initiated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is already yielding results that are felt by millions of our citizens.
More than 12 million Ukrainians have applied for a thousand hryvnias under the Winter eSupport programme. 11.5 million people have already received their payments, including more than 3.3 million in 2025. This is an important help for the resilience of Ukrainian families.
Almost 70,000 young Ukrainians have joined the eBook programme, and the first participants have already received funds to buy books in Ukrainian.
A programme to support internally displaced persons is being launched. From 29 January, a subsidy for housing rent will start. This will significantly reduce the burden on family budgets.
Today, the Government is improving another important social programme – Warm Winter. These are payments for each child from low-income families and IDP families.
In December 2024, we helped almost 600,000 Ukrainians under this programme. We paid UAH 6,500 for each child.
Now we are making changes so that families that were not included in the list of recipients last year for technical reasons will now receive assistance. They will be able to spend the money on the most urgent needs, including warm clothes for children.
We continue to strengthen the state in all areas. In particular, we are modernising the mechanism for accepting, accounting for and maintaining fortifications in the frontline areas.
Last year, 3,000 strongpoints were equipped both in threatened areas and non-active combat zones. For this purpose, the Government allocated UAH 46.2 billion to the regional military administrations and the State Agency for Restoration and Infrastructure Development.
Now, according to the resolution we are adopting today, these fortifications must be transferred to the Ministry of Defence and assigned to the balance holders within a month.
Together we are making every effort to deter the enemy and bring our victory closer.
Another important vector of change is the reform of the state reserve.
Last autumn, we liquidated the State Reserve as an outdated and inefficient soviet legacy. We established the State Agency for the Management of Reserves and moved to modern mechanisms for the formation and storage of reserves.
Today, we are taking the next step by approving the Procedure for the formation of state reserves and the transfer of material assets, as well as the Procedure for the selection of responsible custodians and reserve holders.
We are strengthening the control and responsibility of all those involved in the process. We guarantee the reliability and safety of the storage of raw materials, fuel, machinery, industrial and food products, medicines and other resources.
Today we are also improving the efficiency of procurement.
We are improving the algorithm for procurement audits by the State Audit Service.
We are expanding the grounds for inspections in cases where open tenders are not held and goods are purchased without using an electronic catalogue, if required by law. We will also verify compliance with the localisation of production.
Our goal is to ensure that the state, regions and communities buy as many goods from domestic producers as possible. This is part of the comprehensive Made in Ukraine policy launched by the President of Ukraine.
I am grateful to everyone who is defending Ukraine from the aggressor.
I am grateful to all those who provide work in the rear. I am grateful to doctors, teachers, rescuers, utilities, volunteers and all Ukrainians who bring our victory closer.
Thank you for your attention!
Glory to Ukraine!