Pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 266/2022 dated April 21, 2022 Issues of the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the Consequences of the War, the work on the draft Sections of the Plan for the post-war reconstruction and modernization of Ukraine has commenced.
The plan is to include a list of measures for the post-war recovery and development of Ukraine, proposals for priority reforms and strategic initiatives, a list of legal acts, the adoption and implementation of which are necessary for the effective work and recovery of Ukraine in the war and post-war periods.
We invite experts, scientists, the public and business to take part in commenting on draft sections of the Recovery Plan of Ukraine within the framework of 24 groups for commenting and making proposals.
You can familiarize yourself with the projects of the sections of the recovery plan by group: https://www.kmu.gov.ua/en/national-council-recovery-ukraine-war/working-groups.
Please send comments to Uarecoveryplan@gmail.com by September 1, 2022, indicating the title of the working group and the author of the comment in the subject line.
About the activities of the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the Consequences of the War: https://www.kmu.gov.ua/en/national-council-recovery-ukraine-war.
Pursuant to the Decree of the President of Ukraine, the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Office of the President of Ukraine provide organizational and technical support for the activities of the Council. The information and analytical support of the working groups of the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the Consequences of the War will be carried out by the Office of Reforms of the CMU in accordance with CMU Resolution No. 518.