• Українською
  • Online cabinet of international routes became available to carriers
    Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, posted 02 January 2025 17:46

    As part of the reform of international bus transportation, an online carrier’s office for international routes has been launched.

    At the first stage, carriers have the option of extending the route permit without making changes to the existing route. This applies to those carriers whose regular route permit is about to expire and who need to extend the permit to continue operating the route.

    An application for route extension must be submitted no earlier than 180 days before the expiry of the Ukrainian permit and no later than 60 days before its expiry.

    This option is also available to carriers that have previously applied to the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development for permit extension.

    The launch of an online cabinet for international routes and the digitalisation of the procedure for opening, amending, extending and closing routes is one of the provisions of the new procedure for the organisation of international bus transportation, which has already entered into force.

    As a result, carriers will no longer need to submit paper document packages to a separate commission at the Ministry. Instead, they will have the ability to open, extend, and amend routes independently.

    The next feature to be available in the cabinet will enable users to open new routes and make changes to existing ones.

    To start working with their routes, carriers need to log in to the portal (in Ukrainian) with a qualified electronic signature. Then, in the “My routes” section, select the appropriate option, for example, “Extend route”. After that, the carrier must enter the necessary information: in particular, the type of transportation, frequency of transportation, country of destination, place of departure and arrival, timetable, and border crossing point.

    In addition, a parity service agreement for the route must be uploaded, if required.