• Українською
  • Ministry of Economy starts work on operational plan for mine action
    Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, posted 11 March 2024 10:39

    The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, in cooperation with the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, held a discussion of mine action measures to be taken in Ukraine over the next three years to implement the National Mine Action Strategy.

    The best Ukrainian and foreign demining experts were involved in the development of the operational plan. The discussion was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, and other central executive authorities involved in mine action. Ukrainian experts and representatives of international organisations also joined the discussion.

    “The National Mine Action Strategy is designed for 10 years. The Ministry of Economy, with the support of partners, has engaged more than 80 leading experts to work on the operational plan until 2026. The document we are currently working on is important primarily for the coordination of government agencies, foreign partners, local authorities, businesses and people themselves. After all, it will specifically define who will do what, where and when in the context of the Strategy implementation,” said Deputy Minister of Economy Ihor Bezkaravainyi.

    During the meeting, the participants identified measures to be taken to implement the three strategic goals outlined in the National Strategy: protecting people, returning land to productive use and strengthening the capacity of the mine action system.