• Українською
  • Iryna Vereshchuk: State is looking for additional employment opportunities for IDPs

    The state is looking for additional employment opportunities for internally displaced persons. Iryna Vereshchuk, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories, said this in an interview with the We – Ukraine TV channel.

    She explained that employment centres should be the first point of contact for finding a job.

    “These state institutions are in the process of reforming their work. This should not be a place where a person comes, ticks the box to get money and then pretends to look for a job. And the job centre pretends to help them. That will no longer happen. They are really trying to reform, and people are gaining more and more trust in these institutions,” the official added.

    A good example is the proven practice of receiving vouchers for retraining. More than 16,000 Ukrainians have already taken advantage of this opportunity. About 3,500 of them are internally displaced persons. They have retrained as psychologists, IT workers, etc.

    “In total, there are 138 specialities in which IDPs can be retrained to get a better-paid job,” said Iryna Vereshchuk.

    In addition, coordination centres for civilian support have been set up at each of the regional military administrations and the Kyiv City Military Administration. They have an advisory role.

    “I also appeal to our international partners to help with the employment of IDPs. Especially in the frontline areas. Mini-business projects should be developed there to provide employment opportunities for women and men of working age. For its part, the State will strongly promote new instruments for the employment of IDPs,” said the Deputy Prime Minister.