• Українською
  • Jeeping in the Nature Reserve Fund to be banned: Verkhovna Rada Committee endorses Government's draft law

    The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management has approved and recommended that parliamentarians approve in the second reading the Government's draft law "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine” to Ensure the Conservation of Territories and Objects of the Nature Reserve Fund".

    "Approval of the document in the second reading will put an end to the discussions on the use of vehicles in the territories of the Nature Reserve Fund. This option will remain in a limited format for employees of environmental protection institutions, law enforcement and other bodies and services in the course of their official duties," said Svitlana Grynchuk, Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine.

    According to her, there is no critical need for tourists to use jeeps, enduro bikes and buggies. This type of recreation should remain a thing of the past, just as it has in European countries. "Jeeping pollutes the soil, destroys flora, and harms wildlife. By declaring a ban on jeeping, we are implementing civilised European practices of managing protected areas.

    The draft law also clarifies the procedure for cancelling and changing the protection zones of territories and objects of the Nature Reserve Fund. These actions must be carried out in consultation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine.