• Українською
  • Denys Shmyhal at All-Ukrainian Youth Forum: Ukrainian youth moves the Ukrainian nation and the whole world forward
    Communications Department of the Secretariat of the CMU, posted 12 August 2023 15:44

    Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal took part in the All-Ukrainian Youth Forum “Recovery in Unity!”, held in Kyiv on the occasion of the International Youth Day.

    The Head of Ukrainian Government thanked the young people who were currently defending our country on the frontline, who volunteered and did everything possible for our victory.

    “We must be worthy of the feat of our heroes. That is why we are already preparing to rebuild our country. Ukrainian youth will be at the heart of this process. We must rebuild everything according to the ‘build back better’ principle. This will require innovative, creative approaches that our young people can offer,” the Head of Government stressed.

    The Prime Minister noted that Ukraine’s youth were among the brightest, most creative and ambitious in the world. They are moving the Ukrainian nation and the whole world forward.

    Denys Shmyhal congratulated the forum participants on the occasion of the International Youth Day and wished the young people strength and endurance to overcome all challenges and make our country the best in the world.

    Denys Shmyhal at All-Ukrainian Youth Forum: Ukrainian youth moves the Ukrainian nation and the whole world forward Denys Shmyhal at All-Ukrainian Youth Forum: Ukrainian youth moves the Ukrainian nation and the whole world forward Denys Shmyhal at All-Ukrainian Youth Forum: Ukrainian youth moves the Ukrainian nation and the whole world forward Denys Shmyhal at All-Ukrainian Youth Forum: Ukrainian youth moves the Ukrainian nation and the whole world forward