• Українською
  • Made in Ukraine: agricultural machinery from 64 Ukrainian manufacturers now available for farmers’ compensation
    Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, posted 07 May 2024 17:31

    Farmers can receive 25% compensation for the cost of purchased agricultural machinery from 64 Ukrainian manufacturers. The updated list of domestic machinery and equipment for the agricultural sector, the cost of which is partially compensated from the budget, includes products of 20 more Ukrainian manufacturers. The list now includes 6,691 items of machinery and equipment from 64 manufacturers.

    “The programme of 25% compensation to farmers for the cost of purchased agricultural machinery from a Ukrainian manufacturer is one of the components of our Made in Ukraine policy, which is aimed at supporting Ukrainian producers and stimulating demand for domestic products. As of today, farmers can receive partial compensation for purchased agricultural machinery from 64 manufacturers, which is almost 7,000 items. This will help them to upgrade their machinery fleet, increase production productivity and become more competitive in the market. This year, we have budgeted UAH 1 billion for the programme,” said Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

    The Ministry of Economy estimates that this amount will be enough to support about 4,000 agricultural producers.

    The updated list of domestic agricultural machinery and equipment, the cost of which will be partially compensated by the budget, includes the following items: tillage machinery and equipment; sowing and tillage complexes; seed bins and grain storage and reloading machines; machines for cleaning, sorting, calibration of seeds, grains and legumes; grain loaders and grain throwers; screw conveyors, elevators; machines for applying mineral fertilisers; sprayers for chemical protection of crops; tractor trailers and dump trailers for transporting grain; machinery and equipment for irrigation and drip irrigation; equipment for drying grain; equipment for keeping pigs, cattle and calves.

    The list will be updated as new applications from machinery and equipment manufacturers are received and reviewed. To be included in the list, a manufacturer must submit an application and supporting documents to the Ministry of Economy. Applications for inclusion of equipment in the list in the current budget period are due by 31 October.

    To receive 25% compensation for the cost of purchased machinery or equipment, an agricultural producer must choose a supplier from the list on the Ministry of Economy’s website, purchase the necessary machinery and submit an application and supporting documents to an authorised bank. Currently, 30 banks participate in the programme.