• Українською
  • Government approves decision regulating application of procedure for setting minimum tuition fees in higher education
    Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, posted 07 May 2024 16:44

    The Government has decided to regulate the application of the Procedure for setting the minimum tuition fee in 2024 for higher education based on the indicative cost (an indicator used by institutions to set tuition fees).

    The Government’s decision provides for the determination of the average monthly salary of full-time employees in the region at the location of the educational service provider for the previous calendar year at the level of the average monthly salary in the region for the fourth quarter of 2021 according to the State Statistics Service. This will help prevent the level of tuition fees from being too high compared to the level of income in the region.

    The above amendments are made to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 191 of 3 March 2020.