On Tuesday, 13 August, Ukraine received EUR 4.2 billion for meeting the indicators for Q2 2024 set out in the Ukraine Plan under the EU's Ukraine Facility programme.
"The new tranche under the Ukraine Facility allows us to strengthen Ukraine's macro-financial stability. Continuous and timely support from the European Union creates a solid foundation for the Government's systematic work to support and develop the national economy in the long term. We are now focused on achieving the targets for the third quarter, which will open up the possibility of receiving an additional EUR 4 billion in November this year. We are grateful to our partners for their trust and support," said Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Economy of Ukraine.
The funding will be used to cover current social expenditures of the State Budget. According to the terms of the Ukraine Facility programme, Ukraine cannot use this funding for the needs of the security and defence sector.
As a reminder, in Q2 2024, Ukraine fulfilled 9 indicators set out in the Ukraine Facility Plan. These are steps in the areas of digitalisation of the State Customs Service, budget planning, public investment reform, anti-corruption, corporate governance for state-owned companies, restart of the Economic Security Bureau, approval of the Integrated National Energy and Clmate Plan and adoption of the Strategy and Plan for Thermal Modernisation of Buildings until 2050, as well as the adoption of the Mine Action Strategy until 2033.
In total, Ukraine expects to receive EUR 16 billion of assistance in 2024, of which EUR 3 billion will be in grants. During Q3 2024, Ukraine plans to fulfil the following 9 indicators, enabling it to receive EUR 4 billion in November 2024, of which EUR 1.5 billion will be grant funding. These are the following steps:
- Increasing the staff of the Specialised Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office
- Enactment of amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine on fighting corruption
- Approval of the action plan for the implementation of the Asset Recovery Strategy for 2023-2025
- Approval of a comprehensive Strategy for Demographic Development until 2040
- Adoption of the Deregulation Action Plan
- Entry into force of the Cabinet of Ministers' resolution amending the State Regional Development Strategy for 2021-2027
- Implementation of the REMIT Law
- Adoption of the Law of Ukraine on Prevention, Reduction and Control of Industrial Pollution
- Development of a concept note defining the scope of derogations from the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) rules.
As part of the implementation of the Ukraine Facility Plan, the Ministry of Economy submits quarterly reports to the European Commission on the implementation of the Plan's indicators. After a positive assessment by the European Commission and EU member states, the decision to allocate funds is approved by the EU Council.
For more information on the EU's Ukraine Facility programme, as well as on the Ukraine Plan and the reforms envisaged, please visit the website: https://www.ukrainefacility.me.gov.ua/.