• Українською
  • Vitalii Koval: For the first time, the state budget received funds for stocking water bodies from commercial fishing auctions
    Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, posted 27 January 2025 16:51

    For the first time, the State Budget of Ukraine has received funds for stocking water bodies from auctions for commercial fishing. Previously, only local budgets received this money.

    This was announced by Vitalii Koval, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food.

    According to him, the new budget programme “Measures for the introduction of aquatic bioresources into fishery water bodies” has already received UAH 3.38 million as a result of the auction of rights to special use of aquatic bioresources in 2025.

    “This is a landmark event for Ukrainian aquaculture. These funds will become the foundation for restoring fish populations, increasing fish productivity, conserving biodiversity and biological reclamation. In addition, it will stimulate the development of fish stock production in aquaculture, which is an important step towards the qualitative renewal of the raw material base of industrial fisheries,” Vitalii Koval said.

    The Minister also noted that this was one of the consistent steps taken by the Ministry as part of its import substitution policy. The products purchased in Ukraine by state institutions should be of Ukrainian origin. This will strengthen the domestic market, provide employment in the industry and support national producers.