• Українською
  • Government approves National Renewable Energy Action Plan until 2030: Prime Minister
    Communications Department of the Secretariat of the CMU, posted 13 August 2024 12:32

    The state continues to intensively prepare for the winter, focusing, in particular, on the implementation of a package of state programmes to develop distributed power generation and increase the share of renewable energy. This was stated by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

    At a meeting on 13 August, the Government adopted a document introducing the practice of pilot auctions for the distribution of support quotas for renewable energy producers.

    “We are talking about solar, wind, biogas, as well as micro and small hydropower plants. We are testing the system of ‘green’ auctions to launch it in full force in 2025,” said Denys Shmyhal, noting that this was part of Ukraine’s Energy Strategy and the path to EU membership.

    According to the Prime Minister, potential investors will have guaranteed support, and this will accelerate the implementation of renewable energy projects. This, in turn, will reduce the overall capacity deficit in the power grid.

    The Government has also approved the National Renewable Energy Action Plan for the period up to 2030 and a plan of measures for its implementation.

    “The document is clearly correlated with European norms and standards. It aims to increase the share of green energy in gross final consumption to 27% by 2030,” the Prime Minister said.

    According to Denys Shmyhal, the Plan includes 38 measures, performance indicators and identifies responsible parties.

    Government approves National Renewable Energy Action Plan until 2030: Prime Minister