• Українською
  • Government approves protocol decision to inspect all shelters in the country
    Communications Department of the Secretariat of the CMU, posted 01 June 2023 17:09

    During an extraordinary meeting on 1 June, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a protocol decision to inspect the operation of all civil protection facilities in Ukraine, announced Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

    "Tonight, russia fired 10 ballistic and cruise missiles at Kyiv. During this attack, there arose an unacceptable situation when people were unable to get to the shelter. Therefore, first of all, at today's Government session, we are adopting a protocol decision to check the operation of all shelters in the country, and in particular in Kyiv. They must be available to all people at any time of the day during the air alert," said Denys Shmyhal.

    The Prime Minister also informed that the Government would develop amendments to the legislation to increase criminal liability for those who, through their negligence, expose children and adults to mortal danger: "The punishment will be severe so that such egregious cases never happen again."

    Government approves protocol decision to inspect all shelters in the country