• Українською
  • Government improves work of IDP Councils at local authorities

    The Cabinet of Ministers has adopted amendments to Resolution No. 812 of 4 August 2023 “On approval of the Model Regulation on the Council for Internally Displaced Persons”.

    The purpose of the amendments is to support local authorities in the adaptation and integration of internally displaced persons.

    In particular, the amendments aim to:

    • Involve charitable organisations in developing the infrastructure and capacities of local communities;
    • Clearly define the composition of IDP Councils, taking into account the interests of internally displaced persons;
    • Expand the list of documents for candidates to be submitted to IDP Councils;
    • Clearly define the cases for early termination of the mandate of an IDP Council member.

    The draft amendments were prepared by the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories in order to implement the Strategy of State Policy on Internal Displacement until 2025.