• Українською
  • Government approves Veterans Policy Strategy up to 2030
    Ministry for Veterans Affairs of Ukraine, posted 29 November 2024 17:02

    At its meeting, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Veterans Policy Strategy up of 2030 and the operational plan of measures for its implementation in 2024-2027.

    This is a fundamental document that should ensure comprehensive changes and development of the state veterans policy in Ukraine.

    The strategy covers all areas of interaction between the state and veterans: from the initial steps in a service member’s return to civilian life to the veteran’s ability to strengthen the life of the community, region, and state.

    The document was developed by the Ministry for Veterans Affairs in collaboration with a coalition of veterans policy co-authors, the veteran community, NGOs, and international partners, incorporating international experience.

    “When formulating the key principles of the Strategy, we were primarily guided by the requests, needs and issues of veterans, their families, and the families of the fallen defenders of Ukraine. The Strategy is a comprehensive document that contains strategic and operational goals and specific steps to achieve them. For each of these steps, we will develop appropriate regulatory tools to help us achieve the result,” said Nataliia Kalmykova, Minister for Veterans Affairs.

    The Strategy is based on the following principles: cross-cutting, human-centred, long-term, realistic, respectful, etc.

    It also clearly defines the strategic and operational goals of the veterans policy, tasks, indicators of their achievement and expected results. In particular, three main strategic goals have been identified:

    • restoration of human capital and well-being of veterans and their families;
    • respect and honour;
    • ensuring national security and defence capability.