The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 495 "On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on Provision of Humanitarian Aid to African and Asian States".
This decision allows the Government to provide the regional and Kyiv military administrations with the opportunity to transfer the remaining grain (currently about 72,000 metric tons) purchased at the expense of the state budget to implement the humanitarian program Grain from Ukraine free of charge.
The RMAs (regional military administration) may transfer grain for free to the bodies, funds, programs of the United Nations or its principal organs, or specialized agencies of the UN, other autonomous intergovernmental organizations of the UN system or their representatives to provide humanitarian assistance to the states of Africa and Asia, and must inform the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food on a weekly basis.
The adoption of the resolution will allow for the efficient use of grain, which is no longer needed to provide the population of territorial communities with processed products.
As part of the Grain from Ukraine program, the Government plans to purchase and ship 125,000 tonnes of 2nd and 3rd grade wheat to African and Asian countries.