• Українською
  • Adopted amendments to the Tax Code and part of the ERA funds to allow to fully finance all planned expenditures of the Defence Forces in 2025
    Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, posted 11 December 2024 12:44

    The State Budget of Ukraine for 2025 is formed in such a way as to ensure a stable passage of the next year despite the challenges of war.

    In it, meeting the needs of the security and defence sector is an absolute priority for the Ministry of Finance.

    Next year, more than UAH 2.2 trillion is budgeted for the Defence Forces, which is 26.3% of GDP. Of this amount, UAH 740 billion will be channelled to purchase weapons, which fully covers the annual requirement, and almost UAH 50 billion will be directed to the production and purchase of UAVs.

    At the same time, social and humanitarian needs and measures to restore the economy are taken into account.

    The state budget combines domestic resources and confirmed international support, which will allow us to finance all planned expenditures.

    The support of partners under the Extraordinary Revenue Acceleration for Ukraine (ERA) programme plays an important role. This is a mechanism that provides for USD 50 billion in loans from the G7 countries with subsequent repayment in the form of a loan. This is a mechanism that provides for the receipt of USD 50 billion from the G7 countries and subsequent repayment from the proceeds of frozen russian assets.

    It is planned to receive USD 20 billion from the US, USD 20 billion from the EU, USD 3 billion from the UK, USD 3.7 billion from Canada, and USD 3 billion from Japan.

    The peculiarity of the programme is that part of these funds (from the EU and the UK) can be used directly for defence needs, which, combined with domestic resources, in particular those obtained from the recently adopted amendments to the Tax Code, will enable Ukraine to strengthen its military potential and meet all critical needs of the Defence Forces.

    This approach provides Ukraine with the necessary financial stability to respond effectively to wartime challenges and lay the groundwork for economic recovery.