• Українською
  • Ministry of Justice hosts a meeting with representatives of the delegation of the Italian Republic
    Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, posted 27 June 2024 16:41

    The Minister of Justice of Ukraine Denys Maliuska and Deputy Minister Olena Vysotska met with the Minister of Justice of the Italian Republic Carlo Nordio, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Italian Republic to Ukraine Pier Francesco Zazo and Consul of the Italian Republic in Ukraine Stefano Moser. Representatives of the Italian delegation met with the leadership of the Ministry of Justice to discuss the situation in Ukraine as a result of the unjustified invasion of Ukraine by the russian federation.

    The meeting included representatives of the Italian Ministry of Justice, the Italian Embassy in Ukraine and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

    The main topics discussed included the implementation of reforms on the path to EU accession, Ukraine's fulfilment of its obligations in accordance with the requirements of international partners, and the establishment of a special tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine. In addition, the parties addressed the issues of combating organised crime and reforming the penitentiary system.

    Denys Maliuska expressed his gratitude to the partners for their efforts to support our country in the face of russian armed aggression. He also noted the contribution of the Government of Italy in organising a meeting at the level of justice ministers of the G7 (Group of Seven) countries. The Minister of Justice informed the delegation that despite the extraordinary challenges posed by the war, Ukraine was fulfilling its obligations and adhering to international human rights standards.

    Minister of Justice of Italy Carlo Nordio reaffirmed Italy's support for Ukraine's European integration and structural reforms in the judiciary, as well as the fight against corruption in times of war. For his part, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Italy stressed respect for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of our country.

    The participants of the meeting underlined the importance of establishing a special justice mechanism in Ukraine to investigate and prosecute crimes committed by the russian invaders.

    In addition, the parties considered the possibility of future cooperation in the field of justice, in particular, the exchange of experience in building the capacity of the penitentiary system in Ukraine.