• Українською
  • Prime Minister: We have adopted decisions aimed at strengthening our economic resilience
    Communications Department of the Secretariat of the CMU, posted 03 November 2023 14:45

    At its meeting on 3 November, the Government adopted decisions aimed at strengthening Ukraine’s economic resilience. This was announced by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

    In particular, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a procedure that will allow new enterprises in coal-mining towns to import production equipment without paying VAT. This applies to new enterprises established in 20 towns in Volyn, Donetsk, Luhansk and Lviv regions that meet a number of requirements to receive preferential treatment from the state.

    “Thanks to this tax exemption, the investor will get favourable conditions, people in these coal-mining towns will get new jobs, communities will get new opportunities, and the state will have the space to gradually reorganise unprofitable mines or mines that are being closed. This is part of a modern approach to the transformation of Ukraine’s coal regions,” the Prime Minister said.

    The Government has also amended the Procedure for confirming the degree of localisation of goods production. In particular, the procedures will be changed to make it easier for new products not produced in Ukraine to obtain a confirmed degree of localisation.

    “This will allow us to support Ukrainian producers in public procurement. Those who are currently investing in new production facilities, new lines, new developments will receive incentives from the state,” said Denys Shmyhal.

    According to the Prime Minister, these include specialised trucks, aerial work platforms, new models of buses and cars.

    Prime Minister: We have adopted decisions aimed at strengthening our economic resilience