The State Institution “Professional Procurement” has completed its first procurement in the Prozorro system with funds from the World Bank, saving UAH 58 million.
The procurement took place within the framework of trilateral cooperation between Prozorro, the World Bank and the Ministry of Social Policy. The procurement is part of the Social Assistance System Modernization Project. Its goal is to improve social assistance and the quality of social services for low-income families in Ukraine.
The Professional Procurement team successfully conducted the first procedure for the purchase of computer hardware and software to optimise the work of 25 territorial offices of the Pension Fund of Ukraine.
Thanks to good planning and effective work with the market, the team managed to save 33% of the expected cost. Thus, with an initial budget of USD 4.17 million (UAH 176.4 million), the final contract amount was USD 2.8 million (UAH 118.4 million).
Such significant savings were achieved due to the high level of competition – five bidders submitted their proposals. It is worth noting that a non-resident company participated. This confirms the openness and transparency of the process and demonstrates the high level of trust on the part of international participants.
“The public procurement system in Ukraine is constantly evolving. The participation of international partners in procurement provides ample opportunities for implementing business projects together with Ukrainian companies. In fact, this system is well known to Ukrainian business. This means that even more Ukrainian producers will be able to compete for funding and get an incentive for development. Currently, we have the first successful procurement by Professional Procurement in the Prozorro system with funds from the World Bank. This resulted in savings of UAH 58 million for the procuring entity and contracts and jobs for local companies. I hope that this will give an impetus to other international organisations to join the Prozorro system, which has already proven its effectiveness,’ said Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine.
Also on 30 December 2024, Professional Procurement announced a second procurement for USD 2.5 million. It is planned to purchase network equipment and equipment for information threat protection systems for the Data Processing Centre of the Unified Information System of the Social Sphere.
“Procurement with the funds of international partners is a strategically important area of development for the public procurement sector of Ukraine. Our partners actively support us, and it is our duty to spend these resources efficiently. Thanks to the procurement expertise of the Professional Procurement team, we managed to successfully conduct the first procedure. And the high level of competition and savings shows that the international procurement module developed last year on the basis of the Prozorro system makes the process more open, efficient and allows us to attract a wider range of suppliers,” explained Yevhen Yakubovsky, Director of Professional Procurement.
The State Institution “Professional Procurement” is the first centralised procurement organisation to use Prozorro to purchase goods and services for the benefit of another public client with funds from international donors. In particular, the state agency analyses the market, communicates with potential suppliers, prepares technical and tender documentation, qualifies participants and supports the procurement process.