The Verkhovna Rada adopted draft law No. 6173 on mutual recognition of qualified electronic trust services and implementation of the European Union legislation in the field of electronic identification. 289 deputies voted in favor.
The law will accelerate Ukraine’s integration into the EU Digital Single Market. National legislation in the field of electronic identification and electronic trust services will be as close as possible to European requirements. This will become the basis for future signing of an agreement between Ukraine and the EU on mutual recognition of electronic trust services. The EU has not made such an agreement with any third country.
For Ukrainians residing in the EU countries and for Ukraine in general, the Law opens new opportunities in the field of electronic identification and electronic trust services:
This means that Ukraine will recognize the European Union’s QES. For its part, the EU will be able to temporarily recognize the Ukrainian qualified electronic signature as an advanced one before the conclusion of the Agreement with the EU, and then – as a qualified electronic signature. Also, electronic identification means will be recognized in Ukraine, as they differ from those already implemented in our country.
This is an important step in building the digital future of Ukraine and obtaining a digital visa-free regime with the EU.