The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine is presenting a catalogue of industrial parks that will help businesses find partners or a place with infrastructure to locate their production facilities and attract new investments.
"Industrial parks are a great opportunity to attract investment in the real sector and stimulate the economy and regional development. Estimates show that 1 hectare of an industrial park can create 50 new jobs, while USD 1 of state investments in industrial park infrastructure can attract USD 6 in additional private investment. "The development of industrial parks is an important component of our Made in Ukraine policy, which is why we have allocated UAH 1 billion for the development of industrial park infrastructure this year," said Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Economy.
In the catalogue of industrial parks, a potential investor can find everything they need to successfully choose a location for their business: from park specialisation to local incentives for residents. Detailed information on location, area, infrastructure and available services will help you understand the potential of each location. In addition, the catalogue contains information on tax and investment incentives, which will help to maximise the benefits offered by each industrial park.
"Industrial parks will contribute to the modernisation of industry, the implementation of resource efficiency and circular economy approaches, employment growth and regional development, which has been repeatedly confirmed by international experience," commented Vitaliy Kindrativ, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine.
The catalogue is available for download /here/.