• Українською
  • Almost 7,000 entrepreneurs have received affordable loans worth UAH 27 billion since the beginning of 2024
    Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, posted 15 April 2024 11:10

    Since the beginning of 2024, almost 7,000 entrepreneurs have received UAH 27.3 billion in loans under the Affordable Loans programme. Every fifth loan was issued to businesses operating in the high combat risk zone.

    Last week, entrepreneurs received 555 such loans worth UAH 2 billion. Since the launch of the programme in February 2020, 85,900 loans worth UAH 294.2 billion have been disbursed.

    Since the beginning of 2024, entrepreneurs have taken out the most affordable loans to replenish working capital – UAH 10.7 billion, UAH 5.6 billion of loans were granted to businesses operating in the high-risk combat zone, UAH 4.7 billion of loans were granted to processing enterprises, and UAH 4.9 billion were granted to implement investment projects.

    The most frequent recipients of loans under the programme are enterprises operating in the following sectors:

    • agriculture (48%);
    • wholesale and retail trade (25%);
    • processing industry (17%).

    Among the regions, the leaders in terms of the amount of loan agreements concluded are Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Vinnytsia, Poltava regions and the city of Kyiv.

    Currently, 45 banks participate in the programme.