• Українською
  • Denys Shmyhal: Starting September 1, we plan to massively launch the privatization process
    Communications Department of the Secretariat of the CMU, posted 04 August 2022 09:00

    From September 1, massive privatization should start in Ukraine. This was emphasized by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal during a conference call with heads of regions on August 3.

    "The President of Ukraine has set the task of starting privatization from September. For this purpose, the Verkhovna Rada has adopted relevant legislation, the Government has developed all bylaws. We have to make this process as prompt as possible," said the Head of the Government.

    Simultaneously, according to the Prime Minister, the state is launching grant programs to encourage businesses and people to create jobs at maximum.

    "Small-scale privatization, especially in regions where people in villages and towns know about facilities that have been standing idle for years and are inefficiently used, is intended to provide an opportunity to buy these premises for a fair price and start work," Denys Shmyhal emphasized.

    Privatization will also provide an opportunity to expand production for farmers. The Ministry of Economy reported that in early September, according to the schedule, auctions will be announced for grain storage facilities as well as for bakery plants. Market operators who can observe capacity shortages will have a chance to participate in these tenders.

    Denys Shmyhal: Starting September 1, we plan to massively launch the privatization process