• Українською
  • Denys Shmyhal met with U.S. Secretary of Transportation
    Communications Department of the Secretariat of the CMU, posted 08 November 2023 18:05

    Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal and U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg met in Kyiv on 8 November to discuss the involvement of American companies in reconstruction projects. In particular, through public-private partnership projects.

    “The construction of infrastructure facilities can become a promising area for the growth of the Ukrainian economy. Another key area is logistics. We are working on expanding export opportunities. We also expect American companies to be interested in investing in this sector,” the Prime Minister said.

    According to Denys Shmyhal, Ukraine and its partners are also working on war risk insurance.

    The Head of Ukrainian Government thanked the United States for its leadership and comprehensive assistance to Ukraine.

    Denys Shmyhal met with U.S. Secretary of Transportation Denys Shmyhal met with U.S. Secretary of Transportation Denys Shmyhal met with U.S. Secretary of Transportation Denys Shmyhal met with U.S. Secretary of Transportation Denys Shmyhal met with U.S. Secretary of Transportation Denys Shmyhal met with U.S. Secretary of Transportation Denys Shmyhal met with U.S. Secretary of Transportation Denys Shmyhal met with U.S. Secretary of Transportation