• Українською
  • Made in Ukraine: New industrial park to appear in Zhovti Vody, Dnipropetrovsk region
    Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, posted 04 February 2025 14:41

    A new industrial park “Zhovti Vody” will be created in the city of Zhovti Vody, Kamianske District, Dnipropetrovsk region. The decision to include this park in the Register of Industrial Parks was made by the Government at a meeting on 4 February.

    “The emergence of new industrial parks will provide jobs for the population and promote the development of Ukrainian production. The Zhovti Vody Industrial Park will create around 500 jobs in high-tech and innovative sectors, including the chemical industry, alternative energy production and information technology. This is another step in the implementation of the Made in Ukraine economic policy aimed at supporting domestic producers,” said Vitaliy Kindrativ, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

    Ukraine has now registered 101 industrial parks. In particular, in 2025, this is the second park to be included in the Register of Industrial Parks.

    The initiator of the Zhovti Vody Industrial Park is the Zhovti Vody Industrial Park Limited Liability Company. The total area of the industrial park is 10 hectares, and the estimated construction area will be 41,857 sq m.

    The park will focus on the following key industries::

    • production of chemicals and chemical products;
    • production of basic chemicals, fertilisers, nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms;
    • manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar products, printing inks and mastics;
    • manufacture of other chemical products;
    • manufacture of artificial and synthetic fibres;
    • alternative energy;
    • scientific and technical activities;
    • activities in the field of information and telecommunications;
    • auxiliary and related industries.

    The total investment in the construction of the industrial park’s facilities is approximately UAH 782 million. The initiator and the management company plan to raise UAH 97 million of their own and loan funds, as well as participate in the Government’s industrial park incentive programme. Another UAH 646 million will be raised at the expense of future participants.